Sunday 31 July 2011

Hang time in Horst


Exercising and fine dining!

After 33 days of travel I hav accumulated quite a few magnets, postcards and other souvenirs and I wanted to send them home. We checked out a few internet sites and the prices ranged from 95-120 euro for 2kgs – no thanks I’ll carry it.

I needed some exercise and an adrenalin kick so I went for a bike ride around the block and to Aunty Toos and Uncle Gere’s. She was adamant that we could send the parcel for about 20 euro so looked again and hey presto – send packages for 18 euro – yeh! After packing it all and going through all my stuff and putting in Aunty Truus’ gifts we were up to 4 kgs – uh oh, no worries only 34 euro and I’ll be glad to pay that so I don’t have to carry it around with me for the next 57 days.

In the afternoon Albert, Gerty and I went around the area my dad grew up in and followed some walking tracks. It was cool to be back as I remembered some areas from 6 years ago and exploring with my Dad – such precious memories.

Later in the afternoon we went into town had caught up with Gerty’s side of the family for drinks and a fabulous dinner of bruschetta, wedges and a tortilla. We talked about family and what traits we have of our relatives – something else I feel I missed out on, getting to know my aunts and uncles and thinking – wow I’m just likes that, or ‘that’s where I get that from.’ I can’t exactly ring my older rellies as they only speak a few words of English. Made me realise the importance and special time we share face to face with people. Make the most of it and really get to know them, share your story with them, who you are and enjoy the time with them, make every moment count.

Looking forward to going to the ‘3 lands point’ tomorrow and being in 3 places at once – don’t we wish we could do that sometimes!

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