Thursday 28 July 2011

Angel of Haarlem


Old City Haarlem, historical sites, a trip across country in a few hours and visiting my oldest aunt – a vintage 94 years.

As an Aussie it seems crazy that you can pretty much drive across a whole country in the same time it takes us to go from Toowoomba to the airport in Brisbane. Aunty Toos, my cousin Jacqueline and I headed to one of the oldest cities in The Nederlands – Haarlem. On the way we had to stop in the middle of the highway for the road to lift up – so that the tall ships could pass through below.Luckily we were at the front so that I could get out and take some happy snaps.

The whole trip all I kept singing in my head was U2’s ‘Angels of Haarlem.’ We went and had a very Dutch morning tea/lunch of bread, different hams and cheeses at my cousin Gert and Ans’ place. Gert is a collector as well, must be in the blood and he had some gold framed reading glasses, a 17th century bottle, old pipes and lights to name a few. They them took us on a guided tour of Haarlem. We drove past some old bunkvers off the coast built by the Germans that went 6 layers underground. '

Our walking tour started at an old church which is now home to the oldest beer in the Nederlands and then went through the old town square. Gert is a history buff too, maybe something else in the Hanssen blood and we went past and through buildings up to 700 years old. Haarlem had some housing specifically for single people and only women lived in some and then men in others.  We also went through St Baz’s Church which was built back in the 1500s. The organ is pretty special-even Beethoven played on them years ago, according to my cousin and many rich people were buried in the Church floor – the richer the more ornate the decorative flooring.

Afterwards we kept walking through the city and all the little streets my cousin seems to know like the back of his hands, a free museum, went past the oldest museum and the canals and a nice windmill.

Next stop was my Aunty Truus’ place. She is in marvellously great shape for 94. We shared photos and stories of travel and she told me to learn Dutch so that she could talk to me. The language barrier hasn’t bothered me as much this trip to Holland, maybe I have learned to zone out better or I play with my phone, chat to God or pick up a few words and pretty much know what they are talking about just not the details.

Some more apple cakes and we were off headed back to Horst. Stopped off at a servo for dinner and yeh – didn’t have to pay for the toilet this time – Europe hey!


Gardens, gardens and more gardens, a museum and ten pin bowling – what a mix.

Spent the day with my Aunty Reiki and Uncle Cor. First we went to my second cousin’s place, Iris and had a great mornig tea- cream filled donut balls – yummy, checked out their garden and then we were off to the Casteel Gardens. This castle was around 400 years old and had a moat, which I find pretty cool and then acres and acres of gardens. All with different themes and types of flora. I particularly liked the 400+ year old tree, the monkeys and flamingos.

In the afternoon we went to the The Lochte. The is a an old farm, housing area with artefacts and memorabilia from the near and far past. It had the old washing sinks, sewing machines, farm equipment, hair salon stuff, cameras and the world’s longest asparagus- over 3 metres long! Had a quick dinner break at Cor and Reiki’s place in Meerlo and then headed back to Horst.

Taurus was great fun – bowling, dining, games, laser skirmish and simulator rides. Had quite a crowd of expert bowlers – it was a tough competition – Albert, Joey, Jacqueline, Iris, Tim, Tanja and myself. First two games I bowled ok, several spares but a strike eluded me. So in our third game I went for the traditional ‘silly stuff’ and got a strike backwards between my legs, a spare kicking the ball and with my eyes closed. I quit while I was ahead – nah, we finished up and then Tim and I went in a choose your own adventure simulator ride – it was in the ice and we had cork screws, big dippers and a mystery track. The others got to watch us on a screen so I played it up for them, biting my fingers and trying to look scared. The only problem was it was over too quickly!

Another great day spent with family and seeing the sites of the Nederlands. Amsterdam tomorrow, reminds me of a Top Deck day in the major cities – I hope to go on a canal ride, see Anne Frank’s house and a few other very touristy things. Hoya!

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