Saturday 23 July 2011

The journey to my Father's homeland


After a rest I was treated to some more great Italian cuisine, ravioli and a t-bone steak.   Although the room was extra spacious and comfy – no hot water to be found in the taps – maybe I didn’t do something right.


We thought the car and caravan may take a few hours to fix but it was ultra quick. We had a filling breaky of buns, chocolate cinnamon swirls, cheese, ham and yoghurt and we were set to go through Austria and into Germany. The Austrian architecture, in particular the style of housing was the first sign we had moved north of Italia – ciao and back into mountains reminiscent of Switzerland. Our lunch break was at an authentic family run establishment since 1509. Beautiful egg noodle soup, massive hot chocolate and a chicken with green salad. Once we could move again we were headed to a camping ground in Germany around Ulm.

I must say the German camping ground was ultra clean and roomy. Dinner was a ridgy-didge German pork schnitzel and salad.  


Caravan packed up and the leads clicked to doubly make sure we didn’t repeat yesterday’s drama and heading north through Germany. A nice goulash soup for lunch and another 500+ kilometres into Horst. Arrived in the afternoon and amazed how much like a display home Albert and Gerty’s place is  - maybe it’s because they don’t have children.

I finally found some American TV shows so I could actually understand what was going on – I really wish Dad had taught us Dutch.

I rode over to Aunty Toos & Uncle Gere’s place, even remembered to ride on the right hand side and look the right way for traffic and surprised them with a visit. Jacqueline and Tanya were there preparing an awesome feast for the birthday party tomorrow – so much food they had to put some in the shed.

Headed back for dinner at my base and settled in for some US TV until I pressed the wrong button on the remote – no signal of any kind.

Looking forward to meeting up with the family tomorrow – just hope there are a few that speak English. Tot ziens

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