Monday 11 July 2011

Paris, snow ansd summery barcelona


Action packed day planned for our one day in Paris to try and see as much as we could like Mona smiling, Venus de Milo, Notre Dame, Arc, Concierge and of course the eiffel as well as catch the Origin decider.

We were adventurous to catch the metro into town – first stop The Lourve and hopefully a sneak peak at the Mona. We did a lightning tour of the Lourve, hurried to see Mona first, squeeze our way through to the front of the line to take our pics and selfies as well. Next stop – Venus de Milo and the section – again squeeze, smile and shoot. Checked out some of the really early historic stuff several of thousands of years old from Greece and some sarcophagi. Another happy snap at a small sphinx – I can get the real one in a few weeks-woohoo. Larry wanted to be in some happy snaps too. Found our way out of the rabbit warren and up to the pyramid and into the central court of the Lourve. Many photographic opportunities on all sides and a nice one looking down to the arc de triumpe and matching up all the arches in one shot – yeah not quite.

We attempted to find the Concierge and some chapel inbetween the Seine but after a walk about decided to find the Irish Galway Pub near Notre Dame to check out the Origin decider with Katie’s mate. Timed our entrance perfectly for kick off and enjoyed a ripper of a game and paying out the Blues supporters. After a memorable Origin on the Siene we headed off to Notre Dame Cathedral and had a humbling tour through the church – photos allowed – yeah. Was happy to recharge myself and spend some time with the Big Guy again in his beautiful home. Checked out the line for the spire but was too long so headed to the Arc de triumphe. The shear size of the arch is incredible,  I still don’t know how they built things like this so long ago, just breathtaking. Stopped for reflecetion at the eternal flame and the fact that Napoleon’s only trip through this arch was for his funeral. Again the line up for the trip up was rather long so we decided to head to the up – Eiffel Tower where we were definitely going up – how far was the question because of time. The line ups were huge and stupidly decided that we would walk up the first few tiers and then catch the elevator up – what was I thinking? With thighs still burning from London the 600+ stairs were gruelling but so worth it – now that I can say I’ve walked uo the Eiffel tower – well some of it anyway. The linup was 40minutes for the elevator and we had to b at dinner in half an hour – uh oh. I decided I’d regret it if I didn’t go and Katie was happy to come with me so we made a bee line for the line. After 35 minutes we were on our way pu the ‘glass elevator’ ascending  Paris. We did a 2 minute loop around the top, taking some ultra quick pictures and creating a signature pose and then ran to the line to go back down – thankfully only about 10 minutes this one. Once down to the third level decision time again – wait for the lift or motor down the stairs. Motro down the stairs it was – all 600 of them. From the top to the bottom record time I reckon – 30 minutes and then a rush to find our Top DeckTour Group and picnic dinner with the tower in the back ground.

Onto the cabaret- I must admit I didn’t relaly know what it was – Michelle had said it was like a variety show. I liked the variety acts best – the unicycle riding watier that could catch cups and sauces on his head was amazing and the tap dancing juggler were great.

Afterwards was a little mayhem trying to get the groups together and on the metro and some caused such a fuss we got hosed from up above – not happy boys!

Au reviore Paris and bring on the Swiss Alps


Happy birthday big bro – miss you guys. Up way to early after getting home afer midnight from the show and off to Switzerland. Tomorrow should be fab as we are taking the Jung Frau train up to the highest point in Europe and I’ll even get to play in snow – can’t wait.

Majestic views on the way into Lauterbrennan – reminded me very much of New Zealand around Millford Sound. Giant peaks, mighty waterfalls and snow-capped peaks and very stylish timber homes.

A very swiss dinner – bread and cheese entrĂ©e, pork and veges.


A brilliant day in the snow at the higest point in Europe-Jungfrau. Was a scenic 2 hour train up to the 3000+ metres peak. Along the way were some breathtaking views that we were squashing together to get pics of out the window.

Upon arrival we checked out the Ice Palace – watch the step – it’s a little slippery walking on ice. There were some fancy ice sculptures – penguins, seals and toys frozen in the ice – like the Ice Age creature chasing his acorn. After some group snaps we went to have our  lunch and then off to the plateau. It was absolutely freezing and slippery in the snow and we got our snaps with the Swiss flag before retreating into the warmth of the complex. Next stop was the highest point observatory called the Sphinx. One exciting feature was little white spots fluttering down and for the very first time I saw snow- it was quite the moment and exciting. I was hanging out for the Snow Fun area- oh what to choose- snow boarding, flying fox, tubing, sledding or tobogganing?

After some deliberation we went for tubing and sledding. I started with a toboggan and after a few stalls made it down the hill in a race with the boys but came very last. Luckily we had the travelator back up or it would have been even more tiring. I then decided to try the tube – oh my gosh it was fantastic – some serious air time over some of the little peaks. I decided to try and take some self pics and a video on the way down. That proved costly. Hitting a bump and getting some air time I dropped the camera and it fell into the snow. I tried to stop but as I was head first my hands got a little burnt trying to slow myself down. I had to walk back up dodging the oncoming tubers and I found it compacted into the snow. It was full of ice and somewhere in between picking it back up, unknown to me I dropped it again. I did another small sled and thought I’d dropped my camera on that slope. Thankfully my tour buddies all helped me look for the camera. I trudged up and down the slope with my feet becoming more and more frozen and like a block. I turned to ask the big guy for help to guide us to the camera. After about 15 minutes of searching and a search party of about 8 people- success, Kara found it near the tubing course-thank you Jesus.

Back down to Lauterbrennan and we took a souvenir walk through the town- I grabbed a swiss army knife at bargain prices and even got it engraved. Then we went out for a Swiss hot chocolate – I had a nice white hot choccy and we headed back for another fine Swiss meal. Pack up and ready for our next stop – back into France and onto the medieval town of Avignon.

Traffic was hectic – first day of the French school holidays – took us over an hour to get through a single lane tunnel and took us an extra two hours approximately. On the plus side it certainly gave us a great view of the French countryside and I can definitely say I have seen lots of France along the way.

We were excited to arrive at a hotel and have a shower and toilet in our room and no bunks and free Wifi – yeh!

Avignon the medieval walled city was our next tour. Built to defend the 14th Century Popes the walled city still exists today. We started at the Papal Palace and saw the Pope’s little speech balcony, a gold statue of Mary and went to the look out and had fun taking our pics and finding a hidden track up a small tower with a great view. I even found an old French coin for the collection. Some fresh little water falls and then we went back to the market area to find some shops and eat out a la French. We found a restaurant in the middle of the square with reasonably priced ‘express menu’ items. However the workers were particularly French and didn’t want to speak any English. I was wishing my ma was there to speak for us to ask how long the meals would take and what menu items were available. I ended up getting a spaghetti bolognaise pizza ; ).

For dessert we went to a fabulous ice cream place and I had a cookies and cream and vanilla mix in a waffle cone – yummy.

Tomorrow – Pont de guard and into Barcelona, Spain


One night stop over in Avignon – only problem is the attempt to get all gear back in the back pack. After half an hour I was nearly asleep and we were at Pont du Guard a aquaduct bridge built over 2000 years ago – amazing ingenuity and it is still standing. Some etchings through out the bridge and even some ridgy didge roman numerals on the underside. Took me bak to Yr 11 Ancient History and learning about the true founders of Rome – the Etruscans who came up with the arch design. To finally see it first hand, the enormity of it and to imagine what was happening 2000 years ago here and how they built it and get some pictures with it and touch it was great.


Back in the bus and onto Spain. Barcelona was a feature mid afternoon – I Didn’t really know too much about it but have already been treated to some of its delights. The Church built by Gaudi is incredibly intricate and is still in construction over 120 years later. It even has fruit bowls on top of some spires. I hope to get back to it tomorrow if I can find anyone in my group that is interested. We also checked out more architecture by Gaudi and then headed up the ‘Mount of Jews’ for a spectacular view of the city, we could see the port, the Church and so much of Barcelona and we had some group snaps. We went past the ’92 Olympic venue and got a few sneak peaks in – another on the list to do tomorrow – and even better – its free!                                                                                                                                                            

Up for a traditional Spanish meal tonight flamenco. Dinner was a salad then seafood platter and ice cream to finish off with. the highlight was our awesome table and some great laughs from Beatle's attempt to drink from 1m and a half of straws and his eye tattoos. 

Next we were treated for an authentic Spanish flamenco performance.  I didnt really know what to expect but it ws amazing from the clapping to the music and dancinng - hands and feet moving so quickly - awesome.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

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