Sunday 31 July 2011

Hanging out with the Hanssens


We are family!

I had been looking forward to today as I woud get to see lots of family in one place – including all my aunts and uncle. I wasn’t too sure however how  I would go with few English speakers around me. It turned out really great, once Aunty Nellie heard, ‘Australie’ she said, from Gerrit so she knew who I was – yeh! Aunty Grada looked shocked so I asked if she recognised me and she said she but was surprised to see me there. Aunty Truus gave me an awesome book of Holland in pictures-only problem will be transporting them ; ). We got all seven Hanssen siblings together and I jumped in for a picture too. Harry and Nellie had a birthday dance and then they had a dance with thir children. Uncle Harry seemed a little emotional and I was a little sad too-
seeing many of my aunts and uncles for the last time perhaps. Was feeling a little down when I went to bed until Glen, or Dominic or Sophie accidently called me. I heard them talking and tidying and stuff from the background and it cheered me up.
With Harry & Nellie


Afterwards Albert, Gerty and I went to the cinema – Dutch style! A little lamp in front of your seat and table and press the button for service! Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2 with Dutch subtitles, sometimes I found myself reading the subtitles as well. The visual effects were good and they pretty much stuck to the book.

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