Friday 5 August 2011

wanted - Larry the cucumber - last seen Mt Beatitudes, Israel


Mt Beatitudes overlooking the Sea of Galilee, losing Larry, sob sob, Korazin, the site where Jesus fed the 5000 and the church of the Primacy of Peter.

This morning we made the journey up to Mt Beatitudes where Jesus gave his famous sermon on the mount. It would have actually been on the hill with the crowd facing downward. After a look at the church we celebrated a special mass with ABJB – Archbishop John Bathersby. He gave a stirring and hilarious sermon and his message - Jesus is love so we must be love – be loving to others and ourselves. When Deacon Matt read the gospel of the sermon on the mount I had an image flash. Transported through time I heard it like Jesus was saying it (maybe like in the Passion of the Christ or some other movie I’ve watched), Jesus was on the side of the mountain and I was actually listening to him speak the beatitudes – it was a moment to savour and memorise. After mass and some group pics we got to have another 10 minutes around the gardens which is where Larry fell from my bag. One of the boys said he saw him on the steps but didn’t realise he belonged to us. I was pretty upset and will have to try and order a new Larry – Larry Jr to match Bob Jr.

Next we headed to Korazin and the site of an early synagogue’s ruins and where we could relive the parables of the house built on rock and the persevering widow.

We had lunch by the Sea of Galilee an Israeli meal – salads first then a really tasty chicken rice mix. Then we headed to the site of the multiplication of the loaves and fish. In the story it mentions that Jesus struck a rock when performing his miracle. This rock forms part of the church and is located under the altar. After this we walked around the corner to the church of the Primacy of Peter. It was here that Jesus said to Peter, “And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.” Matthew 16:18.

Again the church was built around the rocks that this was said to take place. It was a lovely little chapel with beautifully crafted stain glass windows.  It was on the shores of the Sea of Galilee and we got to dip our feet in the waters and take some pictures of the heart shaped stones, mentioned as early as 808AD, twelve in total to depict the twelve apostles.

Back to our quality hotel Ohalo and we went to find a spot at the sea to swim. We walked and walked to no avail – small dirt and rocky tracks, perhaps walked by Jesus, the sad thing was all the rubbish along the track – some people just throw it over the edge – out of sight out of mind unfortunately. We stumbled upon a boat ramp and hire place that still had the ‘Swimming is forbidden’ signs. The locals there said it just meant there were no life guards around. We went out on the jetty and dangled our feet in the water and connected with our Queensland group. After an hour and jumping away from the spider we headed back for showers and another delightful meal – chicken, lamb and an amazing chocolate mousse and yummy ice-cream (better walk and sweat it off tomorrow)!

Farewell Larry, you have been a great buddy along the ride with me – 14 countries bout 5 000kms so that I haven’t been lonely.  I will try to order a Larry Jr as soon as possible, but at least you are at a holy place – the Mt Beatitudes!

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