Tuesday 16 August 2011

to float or swim?


Swimming in the Red Sea and riding a camel along the Red Sea shores in Egypt – ah, this is the life!

A sweltering day – closing in on 50 degrees – the only place to take refuge was in the sea. Went for a refreshing swim before packing and deciding to go for a camel ride along  the beach for 2 euro and $1 US ; ) they were charging 5 euro. Got Scotty and Teresa to take some great pics of me with the sea and the moutains in the background – an amazing backdrop! Even did my pose. The only slightly anxious moments were when the camel awkwardly rises and descends – hold on tight – now I can do the whole Mt Sinai trek tomorrow.

After lunch and picking which food were edible and which were last nights leftovers we packed up and headed to Sinai.
Arrived at our accommodation in the middle of nowhere. Teresa was nurse for Fonz’s foot – had like 17 spurs in it – had aquite the audience watching the whole operation too. During our free time I went exploring to a few mounds got some pics with the view. Just after mass I received a call from Mike and Craig – at first I was really worried that something had gone wrong as they had gone for a climb up one of the peaks but they were fine and wanted us to take photos of us. They could just make me out waving the flag but I had trouble spotting them. I finally did (or what I thought was them) and grabbed Jenny and others to take some pics of them. Everyone was looking for them and we didn’t get complete confirmation of where they were until Michael flashed his torch repeatedly to the amazed crowd below.

Michael and Craig climbed up the 'V' peak

Am really looking forward to our midnight ascension (maybe 1 am) of Mt Sinai for our 3-4 hour trek to the summit in the tradition of Moses where he encountered God and received the 10 commandments.

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