Sunday 21 August 2011

plaza de cibeles


Plaza Cibeles after the big event, Spanish dancing, a siesta – finally, awesome trading and adoration.

Went to the big catechesis session this morning however the fatigue was really setting in and several times I nearly nodded off. Afterwards I decided it was time to head back and have a siesta. Only problem was in our open the window air con it was too hot to sleep. After a rest I headed down to see what my fellow pilgrim’s plans were for the evening of the Pope’s arrival.  

After the crush experience of opening mass most decided to stay in air con comfort and watch it on TV. I asked if anyone was keen to watch it at a park or something on the big screen and Teresa, my pilgrim pal volunteered to come with me. So Teresa, Bertie and I headed off to Principe Pio. On the way we decided to grab some more Aussie flags to wear and trade (after 3 people had offered to trade for a flag – US, Brazilian and Italians). After the shop owner finally worked out the difference between Aussie and Kiwi flags we headed left and found the Spanish quarters and the park the Michael must have gone to last night instead of the one we were at. Did some great trading – pin for a Brazilian shirt and they wanted lots of photos with us. On our way up to the next park had some intense trading with Italians – got a hat, flag and flower, Teresa made their day giving them a flag, she was so excited! Then we followed the music and had a dance and congo line with to the fast paced music. Headed back to the station to grab more flags as we had traded them already and had dinner whilst watching the Pope arrive.  

Not ready to turn in yet we headed down town to the Plaza Cibeles where thousands had packed in for the Papal arrival earlier, all that was left now was a big mess of rubbish and plastic bottles – great opportunity to take some pics of the sites though. We found a church for adoration, was nice to spend some quiet time with room chatting to God and on our way out we even got snapped by an official press photographer! Maybe we will turn up in some random country’s paper like Mozambique or Argentina or something. On the way home some South Americans were singing some fun banana song and the train station platform is always loud and fun as hundreds of pilgrims wait to board. Today was a great mix of fun, dancing, trading, friends and faith

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