Tuesday 16 August 2011

going back over 4000 years in Egypt - I'm loving it!


Up early with anticipation for our day exploring Egypt. Outside our balcony  watching the rising sun we could see the tips of the pyramids – yippee. We first went to the great Pyramids of Giza and learned about them- when they were constricted, the old Kingdom, over 25 years for the wet season every year, with over 10 000 stones of on average 3 tonnes each in weight. The latest theory is that they build mud ramps up each side of the pyramid, progressively becoming higher.

Took another Queensland Group photo, did some classic poses and some of the group took a camel ride too. Next we took the bus around the other pyramids and then too the pyramid that we were actually going to go into. We were very keen to go in and the first direction was very steeply down a wooden passage. We then came to another room with two directions – another steep descent down into the tomb and a room with cut out caves – maybe storage for the supplies for the next world. The other room had v, almost roof shaped stones that Craig and I were keen to climb through the narrow passage. After satisfying our daredevil antics we proceeded outside the pyramid for some photo time outside as were not allowed to take pictures inside.

To complete the Egypt ancient sites we went around to see the Sphinx. I was taken aback at the size of te Sphinx, for some reason I always thought it was larger – but for one piece of rock it is extremely impressive. Over 4000 years old and only missing the nose – supposedly blown off by Napoleon’s men and the beard – attributed to the British. The other tour guide gave a very detailed description of mummification and embalming before we were hounded with the souvenir sellers.

After seeing these ridiculously old monument we set out for the pilgrimage sites – Ben Ezra synagogue thought to be built over the site where Moses’ cradle was found. Next we went to the Abu Serga Church where it is though the holy family took refuge in the crypt. The roof was also designed like the ark – above the naïve of the church.

Onto our last church which had many relics of saints and an image of Mary where her eyes follow you wherever you are.

We then had to exit the church quite quickly as the tourist police wanted to go home so we had to leave whilst it was still safe and a spot of shopping at a reputable Egyptian antiquities shop. I bought a cartoush with the unc on it and my name in hieroglyphics. Earlier in the day we stopped off at a papyrus shop to see how it was made. I bought a family tree, the judgement day, an unc and the image of Jesus, Mary and Joseph fleeing to Egypt.

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