Saturday 27 August 2011

New York New York!


Excitement, Yankees, Broadway tickets to Memphis, Wicked and the Lion King! A fabulous day!

A rather sleepness night on a very creaky bed and we headed down to Times Square to check out tickets for the Yankees and broadway. We walked past a ticket vendor and grabbed some tickets for the Yankees at lunchtime – I was so excited to be fortunate enough to be in town when the Yankees were playing. I had by baseball tickets so I didn’t mind what Broadway shows the girls wanted to see as I hadn’t seen any of them.

We split up to increase our chances of tickets. Emma and I went to the Lion King and Ange went to Memphis. We tried to get tickets for under $115 and the Lion King was the most expensive. We were lucky enough to get the Sunday Matinee for $99 – woohoo and then we headed to the next street to see Angela at Memphis. We were able to get tickets for the evening up in the front row of the balcony! Since we were on a roll we also tried for Wicked and were again in luck for Saturday night! Three Broadways under $250.

We were o a bit of a high for a while – the adrenalin rush and headed off to the Yankees game but it started to pour down. Absolutely soaked we headed home from Times Square for a quick change and rain gear before heading uptown. The game was scheduled for 1.10pm and we arrived just on time, however we wre in luck, there was a delayed start because of the rain so I did some Yankee souvenir shopping: got a Derek Jeter shirt, cap and magnet!

The game started at 2.30 and all the hype and lights were just what I imagined, although the game was very slow, so much wasted time in between pitches – no wonder Tofty tries to speed us up in softball but we’d get
Through 3 or 4 games in the time it takes for one baseball match.  Oakland Athletics started off well and scored in the first and second dig and 5 runs in the 3rd to take a 7 lead. I was a little disappointed thinking that the Yankees would get flogged. In a classic come back movies are made of and with a record breaking 3 grand slam home runs – the first time ever in a major league game the Yankees took the lead in the 6th inning. After the 7thand 4 hours it was 13-7 and we had to get going to see Memphis, the 2010 best Broadway musical. We arrived just in a nick of time and were treated to a great musical, with good acting, singing, dancing and some humour. To top it off it wasn’t even a happy happy ending ; ). A fantastic day and I look forward to what tomorrow has to offer.

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