Wednesday 28 September 2011

L.A. L.A. L.A.


Universal – Take 2!

Had an extra fun-filled day with the crew – Allison, Andrea, Zeddy, Mikey and me at Universal Studios – again. Was amazing how much I had etched the place in my brain the first time, it was so clearly what I had remembered from 3 years ago.

We raced down to the lower lot first and went on the Mummy ride and Jurassic Park – twice! Then we headed to the Animal Actors for Mikey – not so much into thrill rides and had a bite to eat before seeing the special effects show – with some old and new movie tricks. Enjoyed the Simpson simulator ride thoroughly again, did the studio tour with the King Kong in 3D, the largest 3D screen in the world – a huge tunnel. They were filming on Wisteria Lane again, and jaws attacked similarly as in 2008. We got absolutely, well I got absolutely soaked in the water World show, no less than 4 times and tried to dry off in the Terminator 3D experience.


TV show audience, Warner Brother’s Studios and that’s all folks!

We were up early to try to get to CBS studios and be part of a TV audience. The security guard wasn’t impressed and said we had to book online. Disappointed we checked out the Farmer’s Market and I sent home another package of souvenirs and clothes home. I then booked a Warner Brother’s VIP Tour.

We headed back to Hollywood to check some more attractions before heading to the studio. We had a look through Ripley’s Believe it or Not. I thought there would have been more weird stuff than there actually was. The mummified shrunken heads were pretty gross though. Grabbed a bite to eat at the Egyptian Theatre’s Maui café and it nearly made us late.

Upon arriving at WB I was surprised to see what was filmed there – Friends, Gossip Girl, The Vampire Diaries, Two and a Half Men and The Big Bang Theory to name a few. We could have even gone to the live taping of a new sitcom that night – but bother we were having a B Team Trek reunion dinner. We went through the lots and even got to go on some sets. We went into a sound stage were they shot The Goonies and A Perfect Storm and we got to go in Central Perk from Friends. The Museum had some great artifacts  from movies and shows like Inception, Mentalist, Gossip Girl, and a whole floor dedicated to Harry Potter. They had broomsticks, the egg from the Goblet of fire and the trophy and the sorting hat and stool. I was sorted in Gryffindor – yeh! We were held up by Ben Affleck’s cars from Argo before heading back to Hollywood to meet up with Jen and Kat and maybe a movie premiere.

Wrong day for the premier but we dined at the Kodak theatre plaza again and were part of a studio audience for ‘Do I Look Good’ some make over show! We got to clap and cheer on cue!

So after several attempts we actually did get to be a part of a TV show- fancy that!


Disneyland Resort and California Adventure Land – woah what a day.

After much deliberation about Disney or 6 Flags I went with Disney and thankfully upgraded my ticket to a pass hopper for both parks. I ran  through California Adventure first- did the rides – the moving ferris wheels, sweet, goofy’s flight coaster, the Monster’s Inc ride and then the best- The twilight Zone Tower of Terror! Initially I thought it was like Dreamworld’s – but no, so much better. Set in a hotel we were in an ‘elevator shaft’ and the ride moved up and down and back up and down in the dark and rather ghostly.

 Next up I headed back to Disneyland and booked a fast pass for the Space Mountain Ride, watched the original Captain EO  film, went on the Matterhorn toboggan twice, yeh, rode on the Tea Cups –classic Disney and watched the parade. Wasn’t quite as spectacular the second time around.  I also got lots of photos from the Disney photographers, especially one with Tinkerbell in front of the castle. Also went on the Indiana Jones rides – always so fun before heading back to California Adventure for the World of Colour Show. I noticed whilst in the ferris wheel that there were hundreds of fountains in the Paradise Pier Lake.

 It was stunningly spectacular. They used led lights, played clips of classic Disney animated movies and actually played the movie on the screen created by a fine mist of water – wow. Movies like Lady and the Tramp, Lion King, Aladdin, Pocahontas and Monster’ Inc. There was even some fire involved for Peter Pan. It was definitely a highlight and worth getting a little wet.

What a fantastic way to spend my last full day in the USA – at Disney.


Adios America and I hope you’ve enjoyed the ride of Anna’s Adventures around the world in 90 days.

A nice sleep in before the long trip home, I packed and then Andrea and  I hit the town – downtown LA. We went through the major blocks around the LA Times, Police Department, City Hall, Court House and Disney Concert Hall.

Then took a mighty long bus ride to Santa Monica Pier and the Pacific. Went on the ferris wheel at Paradise Park, the only solar powered one in the world before heading back. Whilst on board I couldn’t believe that it was three months since I was on the ferris wheel in London at the start of my journey and now it is all but over.

Made it back to Banana Bungalows just in time for the airport shuttle to LAX.

Well, 90 days, over thirty thousand kilometres, 16 countries and 4 continents my journey around the world comes to close – well almost, I’m still in LAX whilst writing. Being overseas feels the norm to me and Australia so very far away and long ago.  I can’t believe it is almost over but then I start playing the photo story in my and think – wow, yes I can believe it.

From Wimbledon to the US Open in New York, from 5 star accommodation at Hotel Albert and Gerty to tenting in the freezing cold Yellowstone Park in Wyoming, from the highest point in Europe at Jung Frau Switzerland to the lowest point on earth floating in the Dead Sea, from the top of Mt Sinai to the canyons in the Grand Tetons, from the rock where Jesus died to LA, from the house Anne Frank hid in to the happiest place on earth - Disneyland it has been an incredible journey.

 I have learnt to be more comfortable all alone in the world, braver to tackle on new challenges and any challenge that comes my way knowing it will be ok and I can get through it one step at a time – being lost in London, fight delays in Italy, hiking up Mt Sinai after an attack of the hives, handling an infected leg on the road, attempting to move around LA, putting up a tent single handed and being around people 24-7 that have completely different values to me.

 I have learned to make the most of every single second and not be sad at the end of something as I will always have the experiences and memories with me and that it wasn’t about the numbers of distance travelled, or racking up the places or landmarks seen but it’s all about people – sharing our precious time with my family, friends and my other brothers and sisters in Christ. Appreciate the time with them for on our life’s journey there aren’t that many people that we meet that are in our little neck of the woods for very long – so enjoy the time and opportunity we have we may be with them only a short while.

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