Thursday 1 September 2011

Bring on the road trip!


Rain, rain go away, maybe it should be, Hurricane, hurricane, go away. Checked the internet reports this morning and noo- all Broadway shows cancelled for the weekend, hop on hop off cancelled and public transport from 12pm – yikes.

It was a day in the hostel for us – luckily we had free wi-fi and phase 10 to keep us occupied. The wind and rain picked up throughout the afternoon and we copped it a few times in between trips to the grocers to grab some supplies for breaky, lunch and dinner. We ate out at a tavern on Amsterdam and it poured for a while – as usual when we venture outside it rains. I kept my food down today so it was much better. I was so lucky up the Empire State Building yesterday.

Sunday- Hurricane Irene was meant to hit today but it had been downgraded to a category 1so we were ok, only a little bit of rain and wind. Again we hung out in the hostel but ventured out for a walk along Central Park as it was actually closed. Quite a few fallen branches and puddles of water. On the way back I noticed a church and decided to stay for mass. It was very beautiful inside with stain glass windows. The American Priest was super fast and it was over in 40 minutes.

Whilst on the net we checked out some TV show diners and if they were real. Whilst we were doing nothing we found out that a show about nothing’s featured diner was only  9 blocks away from us, so we headed to Tom’s restaurant from Seinfeld. It was a bit of excitement after two days of disappointment as we missed our roadway shows.


Back in my element at sporting events, hunting autographs and souvenirs.

We made our way to Times Square to refund and chase Broadway tickets. I missed out on catching another show but Angela and Emma rebooked for the weekend ; ( - for me.

Next we headed out to Queens and Flushing Meadows for the opening day of the US open – number three in the Anna Slam. I was excited as we approached and hoped to see some good players on centre court. Unfortunately we didn’t get the big big names – Mardi Fish but we did get to see maria Sharapova in a tight 3 set match with ome really good come from behind tennis. Also checked out the prac courts – as usual and nearly got Rafa’s autograph again.

Emma and I wanted to follow the Aussies and we weren’t disappointed seeing Tomic win in straight sets and I was able to grab an autograph too. Additionally we saw Anastasia Rodionova and at the game Todd Woodbridge pulled up behind us so I grabbed his autograph. We were hanging out to see Sam Stosur and suddenly I saw her name on the board, although according to the schedule she shouldn’t have been on yet. We went in search of her game, went to the wrong court, got caught there till the next change of ends and then finally found Stosur and it was already into the second set – bother. She was killing her opponent so we watched few games until we had to get and meet up with Ange for dinner as it was already 8.30pm.

Met up at the Hard Rock CafĂ©, the line up was huge so we got our souvenirs, another Hard Rock shirt for me ; ) and decided to go to Ellen’s Stardust singing waiter diner. It was quite the experience with the waiters getting up on the benches and tables to sing songs. Many of them  trying to get a break and onto Broadway. It was another late night and poor Ange and Emma had to pack when we got back.


By myself again but brave enough to venture out and about in NYC – hop on hop off, the post office, Macy’s, ground zero and the Statue of Liberty.

My first mission this morning was to get a load of washing done and mail back a box of souvenirs and clothing. Everything fit in a moderate sized box -  phew!

Headed down to Penn Station to see where I had to go for my transfer to Newark International. Glad I did as it was quite the rabbit warren and bought my ticket then so I would have to with all my bags. Was at the Macy’s stop so checked out the ‘biggest department store in the world.’ Jus a big version of Myer really so wasn’t that impressed but their chrissy decorations were looking good – but it wasn’t open and ready yet.

Found the hop on hop and caught it a few stops to Ground Zero. Went to the preview shop first with the time line of the day and following months, a model of the redevelopment , a small liberty statue which had been outside one of the fire departments and adorned with memorabilia. I also bought my usual magnets and a ‘I love NY’ shirt in 9/11 memorial colours. I went around the site as there is so much construction work going on. It was a touching time, I felt quite sad, it seemed quiet and I could see other people experiencing the same kind of thing as me. To think we were on special ground. I so vividly recall that night – Aussie time, I was watching it live on the news with dad in the lounge room. First hearing about the first plane and then watching the second plane hit, the screams, the teary reporter and seeing the people jump from windows to their death in the buildings. To finally see this place and be able to relate to it and see it in context. 

Hopped onto the next bus and was hoping it was third time lucky for the Ellis Island and Statue of Liberty ferry. Finally found it – yeh! Just had to walk through Battery Park. Bought my ticket and had to go through a full on security check – they didn’t like something in my hand bag – scanned it 3 times.

The ferry was only about 10-15 minutes and grabbed some good selfies along the way. I bought the audio tour so I felt like I wasn’t by myself and it was good to hear more about the surrounds and some stories of the construction. The background music really added to the experience and effect. Got some great snaps of Manhattan, the Brooklyn Bridge and the Liberty herself. She is actually green because of the oxidising copper – took about 3 months to go from brown and she is actually hollow, only a few mms thick and there is a spiral stair case up to the top – pity you had to book 3-5 days prior to go up the statue – would have been great. At least I go t to go up the Empire State building for New York. I tried to rush back and quickly see the Harry Potter/Pompei exhibition but it was $26 and I had under an hour so I thought I better head to Newark before it was dark.

This anxious part of my day was about to take place! I caught the train ok to 34th/Penn station and followed my early tri to the NJ transit area. It was absolutely packed and the trains are on the board but have no gate numbers and suddenly a gate number appears and there is a free for all scramble for the gate – it would have been one of the farthest ones away of course! I got on the more luxurious train after double checking it was the right one and sat back and tried to work out which stop was mine. Third stop and to the airport. I then had to walk up a huge flight of stairs with my 20+ kgs and find the airtrain to P4 lot. Once outside I had to wait about ten minutes for the Hilton shuttle – I was just hoping I didn’t need my flight stub to prove I had flown in. Straight on the bus thankfully and to my hotel and a luxurious double bed – enjoy it while it lasts coz I have 16 days of camping coming up! Relieved I arrived and glad I spent the day seeing more NY sites. I really enjouyed my Liberty Island trip and it was a moving experience to be near ground zero, nearly ten years ago since the twin towers – one of my most vivid memories of a world event.


Meeting my new family for the next three weeks – Trek America, through three states, country number 16 and to one of the greatest waterfalls in the world – Niagara Falls.

Met downstairs at 7.15 to try and find my northern trail group. I met our tour leady Christy and we spent quite some time filling out our forms and signing our lives away. We then headed off from Newark, New Jersey, went through Pennsylvania, into New York State and finally in the afternoon arrived at Niagara Falls. It was one of the reasons I chose the northern trip. We had a quick fly by walk past the Horseshoe ‘Canadian’ falls, went past the seemingly smaller American falls and then lined  up for the Maid of the Mist boat tour into the falls. It was majestic, powerful, scary, lots of wind and water spray in our face and exciting! It was cool to share it with my group and we took a great picky at the bow of the ship. Once we were back on shore we took a scenic detour up alongside the American Falls and up on the scenic lookout – amazing. Mine, Jen and Kaz’s hair was standing on end with the static electricity – hilarious to camp as it was getting dark around 830 to learn how to pitch our tents and make some dinner – bangers and mash. We could see Toronto across Lake Ontario.


September – no,  I go home this month! Lots of driving and a great adrenalin rush at one of the best roller coaster parks in the world – Cedar Park
Into Ohio, past the Cleveland Indians baseball field and to our camping grounds. We quickly pitched and set up so we headed to Cedar Point – oh yeah!

Oh my gosh – amazing roller coasters. First up the Mantis, a roller coaster that you stand up on and are buckled in. Then the Millienium Force – fast and long, great speed, dips and turns. Next we headed for the best one – the Dragster. Super fast, over 200km/hr straight then up a hundred metres and a u-turn straight down with a twist. All over in 17 seconds!!! My picture was awesome – I looked so terrified, wish I had bought it. We also went on some older rides but goodies – the Magnum with a beaut sunset in the background and the maverick. Woohoo what an adrenalin rush! Chicago tomorrow.

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