Thursday 30 June 2011

Let the Adventure Begin


Let the ‘around the world in 90 days’ adventure begin. It’s amazing that seven months of almost daily planning has finally arrived and I’m at the start of the actual journey. I can’t say I’m exactly looking forward to around 24 hours worth of flights, airports, lack of blood flow and tiny toilets but I am reminded of the saying, ‘we all journey toward an end, but it is the journey that matters in the end’.

Had a mild panic attack yesterday searching for my camera. I assumed it was just in the office because it isn’t exactly a small item that could just be misplaced or fallen somewhere between things. After hours of searching and an upset stomach I decided to give it a break and use my anxious energy washing my car. Lucky for me I had my little protégé Lilly to help and a round of winning trivia to relax a bit. However the lost time meant I was up till 1am doing my third re-pack and cull of clothes and yet the backpack was still full – go figure. So I have no idea how I am going to fit in any souvenirs let alone shopping for me!

 Another little hiccup at the check-in counter. Half an hour later and I had my boarding pass for Brisbane and my luggage tagged for pick up in Heathrow but no room on the plane for me from Hong Kong – Europe!! Yikes – although that may mean a bump up a seating a class – I don’t mind that at all ; ).

Finally arrived in Hong Kong and once I found the ticket desk after at least one lost loop – still no luck with the check in – I have to wait half an hour and then they ‘may’ change my flight to go direct to London – as long as I don’t arrive any later I say! They even gave me a voucher for a free drink – woohoo but another loop later and hey hey – no one wants to honour it for me – gees thanks Hong Kong!

Just in time for check-in they found me a spot in the plane - lucky fore me actually front row of my section I could stretch out. On the tarmac it was humid and we were, delayed repeatedly, bad weather, 20 minutes, another 10-15 min, another 10-15 minutes etc. That 4 hours sleep and being awake for 20 hours was definitely catching up with me. I was almost half asleep before take off.
I started getting excited during my flinal flight into London. I had a window seat and it was a beutiful morning. got to see some very angled roofs over Zurich, some beautiful farm land over France and was amazed at seeing the French shoreline, The English Channel and England all at once. Really enjoyed flying into Heathrow too, some cricket ovals, building repeats all over the place, some very harry Potterish streets  and a very wide spread London amidst the  greenery.

Onto - yikes, I don't know exactly where I'm going part 1 - finding my way to to my accomodation. I thought I could get there by bus so I thought I'd check with airport info. He had no idea but said to take bus 76 to Slough then bus 74 to Beaconsfield and then a taxi to Gerrards Cross. I got to Slough and was waiting at Bay 4 when an old lady asked where I was going and suggested I actually take the bus to Gerrards Cross in 45 minutes. So I waited a little anxiously with my big bags feeling a little vulnerable by myself. Finally  the bus came and when I went to pay for it I didn't have  small enough change and he wouldn't let me on the bus. Oh no, I could feel the lips start to quiver and the water works starting to rise. He couldn't tell me where to go to get change either or when the next bus would come (maybe 2 hours later). A little stroppy I went for a walk and finally asked a Cabby for change. He could see I was a little upset so he changed it for me and offered to drive me there for 15 pounds. Sure beats another wait for a bus and then another taxi anyway. I finally arrived a little early for check in but they welcomed me in and cleaned my room up early which brings me to now. I was so excited to see a bed after 36 hours of cramped quarters like a sardine in a tin and am looking forward to having a nice long shower. Adios Amigos